Skill Pointless Signet of Capture
The June 15th's change of a cap of 20k exp for skills points is nice; however, it still requires a large amount of experience to get all of the skill points needed to get all of your Primary and Secondary elite and non-questable skills. Not to even mention if you want to takeup a different secondary profession after ascension.
My idea is to either change the Signet of Capture or adding an additional one that can be purchased for 1k. As it stands, the only real use for Signets of Capture are to capture elite skills off the bosses. However, currently it is also possible to capture non-elite skills from the bosses but currently your just saving a little bit of gold from not buying it from the skill trainer but you have to go through the hassle of finding and killing the boss to get the skill. And is that hassle worth about 300g?
By allowing players to purchase Signets of Capture for about 1k without spending a skill point the ability to gather all of your Primary and Secondary skills will be faster since you don't have to grind for the XP to get more skill points. Also if you want to take on a different secondary after ascension it would be a lot easier to get the skills for it since you can't repeat the quests you have already done.
Here is an estimated gold sink break down. I'm currently a Mesmer/Elementalist. I have 8 elites for Mesmer and about 15 for elementalist elites left to get. I also have about 11 non-elites for both mesmer and elementalist that I still need. This adds up to about 44 or so skills that I need to get, with the ability to purchase the Signets of Capture that would be 44k out of the economy. Since Signets of Capture only have the abilty to unlock skills they are a good gold sink.
Now think of someone who is trying to unlock every skill for a single character. With about a total of ~450 skills in the game it would work out to about ~350 or so skills that will need to be unlocked after every quested skill is gotten. Giving a forgiving estimate of 6,500,000 xp needed for enough skill points to unlock all of the skills and then looking at 350k to get them all. What would take less time to get? Also as you are gathering the gold you will get xp where you and then get skill points to unlock skills with.
Anyone have any comments on this?